Donation CTA

Donate to Transform Lives

At Dementia India Alliance, we strive to provide help and hope for persons with Dementia and their family caregivers. Your generous donation can make a significant impact on the lives of those affected by dementia. By contributing, you are helping provide access to the right care at the right time.

We also have some projects that specifically need funding:
> Support the running of the National Dementia Support Line
> DemClinic - Online Memory Clinic
> Model Day Care and Residential Care Centres
> Training Programs

You can also make a donation to DIA through one of the following methods:

Sending a Cheque / DD
made in the name of
'Dementia India Alliance'
and Payable in Bangalore
to 8P6, 3rd A Cross,
Kasturinagar, Banaswadi,
Bengaluru 560043

Bank Transfer
Account Number: 110120904828
Canara Bank, Kasturinagar Branch (Savings Account)
IFSC : CNRB00l0668

Or you can make a donation online